
Grandma, Get Your Groove On!

The great thing about getting older is that you don't lose all the other ages you've been. ~Madeleine L'Engle Oh, how I love this quote by a truly great writer.. This is why it's so CRUCIAL to have our mature and aging generation an integral part of evangelical, inspirational, corporate worship and ministry endeavors within the church. To exclude them, is like spiritual euthanasia. And one day, if you ignored them or made them invisible in your ministry as a leader, be assured - you'll be a part of the very group you once excluded. And very lonely, I might add..

I felt this strongly this morning, as I could barely get out of bed! You see, yesterday I did enough yard work - cutting of shrubbery, tree limbs, pulling weeds, mowing the lawn that my fifty-five year old body said to me, "OK, you are older now. You aren't able to do as much as you used to!" (or so it seems!) This, however, didn't affect my mind, spirit or passion one bit! I still am ME, whether my new hair growth (gray-haired roots!) blind you, or if I can't do the walkathons I used to do, or hike the mountains in a frivolous trot! I'm still a viable, loving contributor to this race we call human.

So, with that thought tucked in my back pocket today, I continue to empower, build up and utilize the giftings of those of you who are considered to be (like me!) in the "aging" group! We need you now more than ever, especially as the mass exodus of seniors stay home from church on Sunday mornings. I've been told they feel they aren't needed anymore or aren't relatable to the new generation. Heaven, I believe, has a whole different and widening concept on that belief system. It's sad that we earthlings think we know better.....than God.

(The picture above is my Aunt Sara, my grandmother Hilda, my great-grandmother Elizabeth, and my eleven year old mother, Naomi. This was not only family, it was community.)

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