
191. Susan Piper's Story (From Fame-seeking Songwriter to Nursing Home Music Minister)

Host Sue Duffield's guest, Susan Piper, is a Christian singer, song and story writer who spends her days in nursing homes, wielding a guitar with her right hand and pushing her Havanese pup in a stroller with her left, continually being ministered to by the ones she seeks to serve. Sue met Piper at a Christian conference almost twenty-five years ago, and that meeting made quite an impression on both. Piper sings and speaks for retreats, women's luncheons, family events and church outreaches. Her new book, "A Blessing Is In It", contains the God-journey and stories of this once alcoholic to creative communicator of the gospel.

"I visit them but they open their hearts to me. I ask them about their lives and they tell me their stories; sometimes it’s the same story again, but it is so important it bears retelling. I knock and they are glad to see me. I offer myself as a stranger and they welcome me in without question. If the hymn is worthy of tears they cry; it was their mother’s favorite, it was played at their daughter’s funeral. They don’t or can’t hide their feelings, they are who they are. They follow me down the hall; they say they were sad before I came and please come again because I’ve made their day. They have done more than that for me. They’ve changed my life. 
Excerpt from "He Leadeth Me," A Blessing Is In It
By Susan Piper 




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190. The Safety Valve and Lima Bean Skins!

Do you even remember the sound that a pressure cooker used to make? It was a definitive rattling sound; one that could never be mistaken for anything else. This episode lovingly merges the humorous effects of a faulty pressure cooker and the warning of morning sickness during pregnancy.

In industrial settings, the safety valve release mechanism is crucial for averting all kinds of potential disasters, making them an indispensable component in various settings, especially in the high-stakes fields of oil, gas, and chemical processing. But who would know that (spiritually) the safety valve could be also a metaphor for protection when it comes to walking with and serving God. Lots to process here, but it's a fun yet informative way to process His love for us.

The need for physical safety pales in comparison to the universal need for spiritual safety. One may be in great danger in this world of physical harm and still have the assurance of an eternity of security in heaven. We fear not those who can only harm the body yet never touch the soul (Matthew 10:28).



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189. The Delightful Joe Loesch!

Joe Loesch is one of the truly good guys of Nashville! We had a blast doing this episode.

Joe is an acclaimed voice actor and spoken word producer with over thirty years of experience in the VoiceOver industry. As a U.S. Army veteran, he leverages his military training to enrich his strategic VoiceOver coaching. Joe's voice graces national commercials, video games, cartoons, and corporate narrations. He has voiced several cartoon characters for Disney and PBS Kids and produced the Baby Looney Tunes sound books. 

Additionally, he has produced hundreds of audiobooks for renowned publishers like Harper Collins, Zondervan Publishing, Thomas Nelson, Mission Audio, Oasis Audio, Toy Box Productions, and Readio Theatre. Joe has also narrated dozens of audiobooks and voiced countless commercials for national brands including Philips/Magnavox, Bridgestone/Firestone, Coca-Cola, Folgers, Sun Sweet Prunes, Ford, Chevy, and Toyota. His on-screen presence extends to several movies and numerous national TV commercials.

Joe honed his acting skills at the Pasadena Playhouse and now proudly calls Nashville home. He along with his wife Lori, own and operate Creative License, Inc., an audiobook production company based in Nashville, TN.





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188. Celebrating Our 50th Wedding Anniversary

Hard to believe the Duffields are celebrating their fiftieth wedding anniversary this year! My, they look so young! LOL. This episode is a memory lane journey to that cloudy, but magical day in 1974. Enjoy the hilarity and the behind-the-scenes details of the Christmas wedding prep and day fifty years ago in Penns Grove, NJ. 



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187. "Sing Till The Cows Come Home" with Tami Stevens

The Stevens Family will be returning to Romania in 2025, singing and ministering for many churches and events. Today's episode features Tami Stevens as she shares her heart for her beloved heritage and the history behind her family's desire to share the love of Jesus through their music.

You'll enjoy the creative and compassionate story-telling ways of Tami as she literally makes you feel like you're on the journey with her. The Stevens Family were invited to sing at Romanian churches in North Carolina, Ohio, Arizona and Florida and because of the Lord’s amazing orchestration of incredible events, they will return the entire month of April 2025, ministering to the precious people in the country of Romania.

Get on their website to support their missions outreach to Romania. https://stevensfamilymusic.com 

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186. The Christmas Creep (Merry Merger, Everyone!)

The phrase “Christmas Creep,” is defined as the tendency for Christmas products, decorations, and advertising to be displayed earlier each year. We see this more and more every year as soon as summer is over. With tongue-in-cheek, Sue Duffield starts off this episode with a little "merger musing", with the fictional possibilities of combining Christmas and Hanukkah into a new holiday called, "Chrismukkah!"

Sue's broadcasting career in reporting news, community events and cultural happenings, goes way back to her early days in radio in the 90s. She continues to find an insatiable desire to report the "facts" with humor, making light of subjects that aren't so funny.

There’s no question that there's a definitive persuasion in consumerism. And the big tech companies pushing this during the holidays, know how gullible American's can be. As Christians, take the time to "let the REAL merger begin, with your Savior's heart in yours." That's the best high-tech merger of all.


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185. Almost Ugly Sweater Time! (A Message On Divine Fashion and Design)

Globally, and not just Hollywood, we have an insatiable appetite for all things celebrity and an even bigger appetite to emulate the perceived lives of famous people and what fashion they wear. It's good to realize it's all a manufactured plan to get you to buy their stuff because of their "name brand", and to get your money too..

There is power in a name. There is nothing more important for any of us to hear than for God to call OUR name. What Jesus received by right, we are invited to receive by grace. Your name brand has everything to do with whose name you represent.

This is an original devotion from Sue Duffield's blog and teaching, formerly entitled, "Who's Your Fashion Designer?" (What Not To Wear!)



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184. The Introvert-Extrovert Exchange

Are you an introvert or an extrovert? Your answer could be pretty simple, but there’s a lot more to the introvert vs. extrovert world than just the popular distinction of being quiet or loud. While no one is a one hundred percent introvert or extrovert, understanding the differences between the two can help you determine how best to connect and communicate.

Host, Sue Duffield, has made it her choice and study to watch how people interact and relate with each other. She was featured in John C. Maxwell's book, "Everyone Communicates, Few Connect" and has also offered counsel and guidance to women's ministry leaders as well as singers and speakers, on how best to "read" their crowd. This episode is her notes from a recent interactive workshop on the topic, "How to be Real Without Killing Everyone Around You!"


(Books mentioned on this episode:)

"Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking" by Susan Cain

"The Introvert’s Edge: How the Quiet and Shy Can Outsell Anyone" by Matthew Pollard and Derek Lewis

"Everyone Communicates Few Connect" by John C. Maxwell

"Suebiquitous: A Humorous Travelog of an Unfiltered Saint" by Sue Duffield

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183. A Fireside Chat with Toni Campbell

This spontaneous and engaging conversation with speaker/author, Toni Campbell and host, Sue Duffield, is a delightful outcome when two Jersey girls get together to share their hearts, their passion for ministry and their love for reaching their communities for Jesus.

Toni has over a decade of experience in commercial writing. She taught "Writing for Radio/TV" at a local community college for five years and is as comfortable in front of a microphone as she is behind a keyboard, which is where she has spent much of her time writing the book and blog, Lakeside Lessons. In 2012, she received Mercer County’s Woman of Achievement Award (in NJ) for her outreach work.

After reading The Externally Focused Church, Toni was so challenged by the concepts it presented that she began an outreach ministry at her church as a volunteer leader. That experience is the basis for her book, Jesus Has Left the Building: The Nitty-Gritty of Creative Church Outreach. It takes the time-consuming guesswork out of church outreach planning with step-by-step nitty-gritty details along with fine-tuning tips to ensure that you won’t have to reinvent the wheel in outreach efforts. 




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183. The Broken Piano Speaks

"Everything old is new again." Maybe.
Sue Duffield is fairly poetically minded and you'd probably never know this, unless you dig deep into the archives of her computer. On this episode, Sue uncovers an unfinished prose song, with its timely sentiments only a dusty songwriter would comprehend.

Sue's original phrase, "Once what was orchestral and agreeable becomes dissonant and unmusical”, goes much deeper than just music. It’s the soul-wretch of knowing only God can transform, and only God gets the glory when the finished masterpiece is reconditioned, retouched and redeemed.

The broken piano speaks today. It's really a Master-P-E-A-C-E. 




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181. Singing Through Grief (Tribute to the Nelons)

Everyone in Christian music, no matter the level of friendship or acquaintance, has been greatly affected by the tragic loss of Jason Clark, Kelly Nelon Clark, and their daughter Amber and their son-in-law, Nathan Kistler. The plane crash also took the lives of the pilot and his wife, Larry and Melissa Haynie, as well as Melodi Hodges. This has been one of the most devastating losses in the Christian community in quite a while.

This episode is a casual unrehearsed dialogue between host Sue Duffield and her husband, Jeff, telling their personal history and long-time friendship with Kelly. 

Through all stages of grief, music (especially inspirational music) can be an effective medium to meet individuals wherever they are in their healing of the grief process. There's no doubt that many, including the Duffields, understand the power of God's word in song, as it is a literal balm of Gilead - healing the sick and grief-stricken soul. 


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180. One Generation Away

It's very easy to see that we are literally one generation away from losing the faith and Christian influence of our predecessors - the ones who took great risk and hardship to stand firm for the Gospel of Jesus. In America, a major poll indicated that two-thirds of young people will leave the church once they live on their own. And not only are they leaving the church, they're leaving their God-infused lifestyles that was so practiced in their homes as children.

Host Sue Duffield takes a deep dive and risk here, to talk about how we have no one to blame but ourselves. She takes it on personally, and has every hope that she can still be an encouragement and influencer when it comes to LIVING the gospel before her grandchildren (and other young people). She's reminded of the role God has assigned to her (much like her grandparents) and that's to pursue His loving wisdom. And even if she's questioned, provoked or challenged, she'll consistently know what her role is, and that’s to love her children and grandchildren no matter what and to let them see Jesus more than ever in everything she does.

Take this episode walk with Joshua in Judges 2:7 & 8, Judges 2:10, and Judges 2:19. A generation lost!  It was Joshua’s generation that walked away and it happened in the span of just one single generation, not three. To top it all, this was a generation who had personally witnessed miraculous signs and wonders and unbelievable victories.

Yet they still walked away. 



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179. Carol McLeod: A Voice of Hope

Carol McLeod’s 17th book, "Overflowing: Living Abundantly in a Broken Culture", inspires readers to embrace a life of abundance and joy, regardless of their current circumstances. Filled with biblical wisdom, practical advice, and personal stories, this seven-week study of the book of Colossians helps readers shift their perspectives in order to live a life filled with purpose and joy. According to Carol, “Every generation has been invited to live fully and enthusiastically in Christ, despite the lies and brokenness of their culture.”

This episode takes a divine leap when host Sue Duffield and Carol McLeod get past the potential facade of a scripted-like interview, and move towards a more vulnerable and Holy Spirit-led interaction.

Loving difficult people and loving adult children takes on a whole new meaning when Carol says, "Loving those difficult people should bring out Jesus in us." Carol also shares about her dad and his simple devout faith, teaching her to love the Word of God as a young child. 

But the highlight of this episode happens when Carol tells her story about Corrie ten Boom's coat and the impression it had on her. It is truly an experience that's worth more than gold. Much like putting on the coat of a true heroine of the faith, God's Word can also be like that cloak or covering when going to battle. "You can make it through hard times; even battling infertility, or losing babies, or depression, or cancer and even having hope with prodigal children. The Word of God will fight for you and help you through this battle." - Carol McLeod



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178. Raise Your Standard of Giving

Most will say that when God prospers, it's then you can raise the standard of living. Not so in the Duffield's case. Raising the standard of "giving" has become the ultimate joy for them and It literally has become a thrill of a journey to be able to bless others as God blesses them. The act of giving triggers a natural release of endorphins in our brains, making us feel happier, called, and more fulfilled. The connection with others that comes from fulfilling a need or blessing someone who isn't expecting it, deepens a sense of unity and compassion within our communities. 

This off-the-cuff episode, fun as it is, is just a simple reminder that God is NOT a respector of persons, nor is He selective in who He positions for favor. The bottom line is obedience, then being ready to receive and ask God for open doors to benefit others. Becoming that funnel and channel of blessing is absolutely fun!



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177. Traveling Well

Traveling as a couple doubles the fun, the ease and the experiences while helping to endure and entertain the journey. Jeff & Sue Duffield share and continue to learn new travel tips, old roaming tricks and simple trek ideas to make the circumnavigating enjoyable on the road (and in the air), especially after fifty years! So, not much learnin' takes place on this episode, but it is a fun capsule of what's ahead for the next two weeks for the Duffields. Thanks for praying for their safety and also believing with them for some opportunities to be a Jesus-face to the world! (Go Phillies! In London!)

The Apostle Paul traveled much, but also understood the risks and rewards too.


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