
190. The Safety Valve and Lima Bean Skins!

Do you even remember the sound that a pressure cooker used to make? It was a definitive rattling sound; one that could never be mistaken for anything else. This episode lovingly merges the humorous effects of a faulty pressure cooker and the warning of morning sickness during pregnancy.

In industrial settings, the safety valve release mechanism is crucial for averting all kinds of potential disasters, making them an indispensable component in various settings, especially in the high-stakes fields of oil, gas, and chemical processing. But who would know that (spiritually) the safety valve could be also a metaphor for protection when it comes to walking with and serving God. Lots to process here, but it's a fun yet informative way to process His love for us.

The need for physical safety pales in comparison to the universal need for spiritual safety. One may be in great danger in this world of physical harm and still have the assurance of an eternity of security in heaven. We fear not those who can only harm the body yet never touch the soul (Matthew 10:28).



Check out this episode!

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