A friend of mine has challenged me NOT to read the Bible. This might sound rather radical, harsh and impossible to my "I must read the WORD everyday, in order to get my GOD - fix.." attitude. It has greatly sparked fireworks in me however, to take a few days this week and begin the journey of "recall". What would happen if suddenly I had no outside connection with the Christian world that I am a part of? What would happen if you locked me in a cell and I had neither books or entertainment or internet - and specifically, no Bible? Could I be saturated enough in my memory that I could rehearse and bring to mind great scriptures? Would I have enough video tape going on in my head, to recall the Psalms, or Jesus' words in the Gospels, or even some Proverbial instruction on how to live? Could I be like Corrie Ten Boom, who, for a season, had only her mind, thoughts and experiences to fall back on, when she had to hide whatever bibles she had to stay alive? Hmmm...
So, this is my summer closure for "no more bible reading." Instead, I am bible "recalling". I am taking a complete inventory of what I know, how I know it, and why the scriptures are valuable to me. I challenge YOU to a "Bible Recall"; a time of setting aside your eyes away from the pages for a while, and giving the eyes of your heart, mind and soul a complete make-over. Just exactly what DO you know about scripture? Think like this: If I was left on a desert isle somewhere and had nothing but a pad of paper and a pen, what could I begin to write about my God, my Savior? What would be the story of stories?
This is my journey between now and September 1st. I'd love to have a few come along with me on this, so if you're up for the challenge, then, come on!!! Let's just see how much we know. Let's see how God will speak to us on a blank piece of paper, as we begin to recount the story, the thoughts, and the journey - without a Bible. For many of us, the dust is already ON the Bible anyway. So closing it wouldn't be a challenge... My heart leaps at the thought, "Speak to me, God. Tell me what I already know." (And maybe what I don't know too...)
Day 1 of "Bible Cast Away" and my first RECALL of the day: Psalm 30:4, 5. "Sing o heart to God; thank Him to His face. Your nights of tears give way to days of laughter." (He gets angry once in a while, but over a lifetime, there is only joy.)
Every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father ..(and)..There is only one name under heaven by which men shall be saved...
(if its a little differant sorry..my memory isnt perfect)
The great thing is: Your memory doesn't have to be perfect! You got the gist!
I thank God everytime I remember you - Philippians 1:3 This was my first "recall" verse of the morning.
He who began a good work in you, will be faithful to complete it.
Blessed are they whose ways are blameless; who walk according to the law of the Lord. Blessed are they who keep His statutes, and seek Him with all their heart.
"Steadfast love of the Lord never changes; His mercies never come to an end. They are new every morning...Great is Your faithfulness oh Lord."
It is I who hath made you, and not you yourselves...
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