
Manic Mannequins!

Stay with me here - I think I may have found possible employment for my comedic future: Become a "real life" mannequin. Well, the truth is, when I first read this story circulating about the new thrust of truth in advertising, I was like, "Wow - I could qualify for that!" Then I realized that the story was about the mannequins and not real LIVE women BEING the mannequins. Then I laughed. But here's proof a nerve has been hit from one of the comments made on a picture from a Facebook page -

The lingerie-clad mannequins, displayed in one of the stores in Sweden's Ahlens department store chain, have fleshier stomachs and fuller thighs than are typically seen in stores. Both are far from overweight, as many people have noted in comments about the widely circulated photo.
“Those aren’t mannequins, they are real women, and they are gorgeous,” wrote one of more than 3,350 commenters on the Facebook photo posted March 11 by Women’s Rights News.
"The lingerie-clad mannequins, displayed in one of the stores in Sweden's Ahlens department store chain, have fleshier stomachs and fuller thighs than are typically seen in stores. Both are far from overweight, as many people have noted in comments about the widely circulated photo. “Those aren’t mannequins, they are real women, and they are gorgeous,” wrote one of more than 3,350 commenters on the Facebook photo posted March 11 by Women’s Rights News." -by Eun Kyung Kim for Today Style

Real women. Gorgeous. Real life mannequins, which is quite different than real LIVE mannequins. OK. I got it now. But even so, I could qualify as a stunt double for a real life mannequin. Kind of like being a mannequin for a mannequin...swarming cellulite, rolling belly lines, "very-gross" veins, flabby filler - but a huge smile! Yeah, that'll work! But you won't find me in the lingerie aisle. Nope. I'll be more than happy to be the plump and flashy modest model for the tarp, tent and outdoor arctic gear section of Cabela's. I'm no dummy... :)
There is far more to your life than the food you put in your stomach, more to your outer appearance than the clothes you hang on your body. Look at the birds, free and unfettered, not tied down to a job description, careless in the care of God. And you count far more to him than birds. Matthew 5:26


Pam Manners said...

You are quite the comedienne, Sue. You do know in some places they have used real women as mannequins, just to stir things up (and freak people out, I'm sure).

Next time I'm at the mall, I'll be keeping my eyes peeled for YOU! <3

Sue Duffield said...

I'm a real live mannequin! Thx Pam! You rock!

Rachel said...

Heehee...I'll join you in the arctic outdoor wear...I'll model the sleeping bag inside the tent! Wake me when our shift is over! :)