"Hi Sue. I'm back!"
I responded, "Hi Joyce! I'm so glad you're back!"
"Well, you know I'm still not into all this God-talk, but I come because I like to laugh..", she said.
"I was looking for you this year and I was thrilled to see you again", I said.
Joyce smiled big. The pastor's wife, Carol, has consistently invited her for these special women's events, and she comes....simply because she's personally invited.
It's not up to me to be God. I just let God use me. Her smile indicated to me that her disbelief in God has nothing to do with the connection that we as God-people should pass along to our God-less world.
"You made me cry tonight, Sue. That's a first for me in a church..", Joyce whispered.
"Joyce, you're making me cry right NOW and that's NOT a first for me in a church. I find it to be a real and wonderful signal, that I've been greatly touched by something bigger than I."
I then hugged her and told her I'm praying for her.
She said, "Well, I can't tell you not to pray for me, that's for sure. But thanks for the hug."
She came back. She smiled. We hugged. This is what we do.
Now you just made ME cry! And that's not a first for me anywhere. ;)
This is a CLASSIC quote from you:
"It's not up to me to be God. I just let God use me. Her smile indicated to me that her disbelief in God has nothing to do with the connection that we as God-people should pass along to our God-less world."
Wow, wow and WOW!!! I love it. And I want to remember it and live it.
I can honestly say, Sue, that getting to meet and getting to know you has been one of the great gifts in my life. You are so very special to me!!! <3 <3 <3
Much love and hugs,
Goosebumps!!! God will see her saved. Joy
You are very kind and generous with your words, Pam. It was a great experience. Meeting people who have different points of view and spirituality keeps me relevant, on my toes and makes me more grace-filled than ever.
you are so great and i miss you... and we have a date at sax deli whenever you get here!
Sounds great to me! Sax Deli!
You have a heart full of God's love...how can that fail???
Pray for Joyce that she'll be open to seeing God at work in her life.
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